India is looking towards a blockchain aided voting system

India has also started looking towards the development that includes crypto technology. Recently, the trials of blockchain-aided voting in India that would enable voters to post ballots from outside their home provinces are to begin soon.
Sunil Arora, the Chief Election Commissioner said that, research using the cutting-edge technology had already started and that mock trials were to be launched in the very near future, as reported by The Wire.
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras had worked alongside the Indian Election Commission researchers in creating a secure way to verify identities and enable voting from far-flung regions of the country, and beyond. On the same day, Arora confirmed a proposal that would give Indians living abroad the chance to engage in the voting process.
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Former Senior Deputy Election Commissioner Sandeep Saxena had explained that the blockchain technique would see personalized e-ballot papers generated by the blockchain once a voter’s identity has been verified. Subsequent votes are then encrypted, generating a blockchain hash.
He said, “After a voter’s identity is established by the system, a blockchain-enabled personalized e-ballot paper will be generated. When the vote is cast, the ballot will be securely encrypted and a blockchain hashtag generated. This hashtag notification will be sent to various stakeholders, in this case, the candidates and political parties.”
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This system will not allow people to vote from home, instead, they would still have to congregate at a designated polling area, just not the one in the polling region in which they’re registered.
Because this project is in it”s early stage, Saxena had said that people have to arrange it in advance.
In developed nations like US elections also seen accusations of vote manipulation. The rise of blockchain technology amid such furor has led some to suggest its ability to secure cryptocurrencies could also be applied to the election process.
With this technological development, the future of the voting system will be more secure and easy to perform.