CTO Dan Larimer net worth

Let’s put the investment and trading purpose of Bitcoins and the whole cryptocurrency space aside for a while and think of it and the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies as an asset or a weapon to be used for the welfare of humans.
It has been long since when a weapon is been used not for fighting or wars but, against war and for the welfare of humans as a society. Due to the capitalist nature of the people who are in control of everything be it banks, employment or the mere money we earn. The taxes we pay to our governments are hardly being used for welfare and most of it has been put to building defenses, you can see the budget allotted towards the army and other defense purposes.
It will be controversial to say but, this has been the truth for centuries that the inventions that lead to a common man’s welfare in any way have been put down. If we just look at data of Corona Virus pandemic, even after the first wave attention equal to negligible has been put to build defenses against the pandemic situation.
Bill Gates once said in one of his talks that we need to build stronger defenses for a pandemic or a global virus outbreak because any country will not be responsible to bring humanity to its knees but a global virus outbreak will do. And that’s what is happening nowhere in India.
Some people never focused on doubling their money by putting it into bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies but, have always looked into the impact the underlying decentralized blockchain technology can do to put the world together and get humans to the next level of humanity.
Let’s look at one of the personalities who has put the money building capabilities of the crypto space and currencies to a side and has always been working on improving and revolutionizing humanity by the use of “The blockchain tech”
Today we will be talking about Dan Larimer, a former scientist to work on producing weapons and drones for the US army changed to a blockchain expert to create technology that does mass welfare instead of mass destruction.
Let’s dig more into the achievements and what made him change his mind from a mass destruction scientist to a mass welfare entrepreneur, although without breaking the drill we will discuss the net worth at the end of this article but, trust me you will be much more interested in the former part of this article.
Dan Larimer was born in Colorado and brought up in the province of Virginia. On completing his graduation in computer science from the Virginia Polytechnic institute and State University. He is the most known for his invention of DPOS the proof of stake algorithm for block verification in the blockchain technology flowchart.
But, it did not start like this instead Larimer was a former scientist building autonomous vehicles, drones, and weapons for US Army and had a change of heart. He quoted “Philosophically, I wanted to move from working on weapons of destruction to creating systems that could help provide life, liberty, and property for mankind,”
In one of his talks after parting from one of the companies he used to work within the blockchain space he also stated in his noble words “I will continue on my mission to create a free market, voluntary solutions for securing life, liberty, property, and justice for all. I do not know exactly what is next, but I am leaning toward building more censorship-resistant technologies. I have come to believe that you cannot provide “liberty as a service” and therefore I will focus my attention on creating tools that people can use to secure their own freedom.”
It all started in the year 2009 when he first heard and discovered Bitcoin. It was that time when Larimer was working and helping to build mass destruction weapons and drones.
In 2013, He left that space and moved over completely to explore the field of cryptocurrencies and their usage as a mission to attain and provide freedom to humanity. Larimer started with founding Bitshares along with Charles Hoskinson a company built around the DPOS technology which was invented by Larimer himself and was an exchange to work in a decentralized manner.
In his short span of two years in bit shares, he also wholeheartedly worked to make the company grow exponentially, eventually moving on to Cryptonomex.
In 2015, he founded Cryptonomex along with his father. A company to provide software and consultancy services for custom blockchain technology. Latimer worked as the backend of the company handling and looking over all the technical aspects.
Larimer then moved on to take on the world of social media by building a decentralized Facebook of a sort and named it Steemit which rewarded users with its crypto token known as “steem” for contributing to the network in any way. Thanks to his philanthropic approach.
Latimer once again when the website was up and running getting around 7-8 million monthly visits from users moved on to collaborate with Brendon Blumer to lay the foundation of Block one. The issuer of the EOS Crypto token. To know more You can go check out my article on Brendon Blumer for further insights on his life.
Eventually, as usual, Larimer bade goodbye to this project too after its success. He was never involved in a project for the long haul and continues to find ways to continue on his mission of finding freedom and giving it to humanity.
Also Read : CryptoCurrency Terminology
Dan Larimer Networth
Dan Larimer holds a net worth of around 700-800 million US Dollars but, as mentioned in the former part of this article this does not matter much after looking at the contributions he has made to humanity and its welfare and is continuously doing so making it’s his sole mission of life. As already mentioned some people are into this crypto business not for the money but, for the impact “blockchains” can have in providing the real meaning of freedom.