How Can Blockchain Technology Be Used To Prevent Voter Fraud?

Blockchain, as a technology, is unparalleled in many ways. People have been familiar with other peer-to-peer applications that are used for sharing files music streaming, and other things, but the possibility of this kind of network to provide their own security and resources is something which has only been introduced in 2008. Since the time blockchain technology came into existence, it had only been known for mining Bitcoins.
But in recent years, it has taken a popular form on its own. Along with bitcoin making headlines, this unique technology behind it is getting acknowledged. Developers who are impressed by this mysterious technology are proposing new ways to put it to use and share their ideas into production.
Many witness blockchain as a revolutionizing technology that can improve old systems. Analysts have always confidently remarked about the potential of this technology, looking at how Bitcoin has offered a more secure and transparent payment process. Industries are molding this technology to improve cloud storage, smart contracts, crowdfunding, and even healthcare. One of the biggest issues, that can be solved with the virtue of blockchain’s decentralized nature is voter fraud.
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What is Blockchain Voting System?
Blockchain technology is changing the misconception that voting cannot be carried out securely online. The technology ensures that one person can give only one unchangeable vote. As every vote gets recorded on the blockchain permanently, there is no chance for manipulation or voting twice.
Blockchain can be described as a digital ledger. The blockchain’s infrastructure consists of nodes or peers. They verify, process, and record all transactions across the system. The system does not store any data, rather it exists on the “chain” which is made of millions of nodes. What makes this technology so appreciated is encryption and decentralization. By the virtue of these features, any transaction cannot be corrupted and you can verify each transaction made ever on the blockchain. There is no way to take down the network or tamper it by any party as it does not exist in one place.
This kind of infrastructure is the right fit for bringing the voting process online. Due to lack of security, the voting method is still stuck in the last century, where one must leave their homes to give a vote and submit paper ballots to a local authority. Some had tried to bring this process online but were unsuccessful due to large gaps in security.
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A blockchain-based voting system can prove to be the most secure way to cast votes online.
1. There is no concern for the security of the internet connection as any hacker who might have hacked into the terminal will not have access to the other nodes.
2. Voters get to maintain complete secrecy as they are not required to reveal their identity or political preferences in front of the public.
3. The counting of votes will be organic. Officials can be certain that each individual ID will be attributed to only one vote. There is no way for faking or tampering with the votes.
Many companies are trying to implement this idea in reality. One such form is Horizon State, which has introduced a digital ballot box which is a smart and cost-effective solution to the inefficiencies of today’s voting procedure.
Blockchain is making way for direct democracy, where people get the power to decide their own course of the policy, rather than relying on representatives. While in order to introduce such a transparent system the rules of current election procedure have to be changed, blockchain is also ideal for guiding general meetings, informing business decisions, censuses, and polling.
This technology is still in its blooming stage but as it matures along with young voters, it has the potential to become a key part of the voting system in the future.