Entrepreneur Rick Marini Net Worth & Life Story

Patience is the key in the world of investing, literally, the time spent in choosing the right investment instrument and researching on it is just one-third of a great investment, more than skills and knowledge an investor has to be good in the waiting game. An impatient investor is a bad investor, a person can do his research, read his books and learn all the skills in the world but what good is all of that, if one pulls his money out before time from the right investment when it is just about to blow up.
It has happened with me and will happen to you too but, you have to learn from each mistake. Take the example of cryptocurrency, yes what else did you think?
This is a cryptocurrency blog and that’s what we talk about here…Many investors sold their bitcoins during the 2017 crash of the crypto asset but, what happened next?
It boomed and skyrocketed leaving those investors in regret and turning other patient investors millionaire overnight. I mean not literally overnight but, in the world of investment, six months is considered an overnight success. Many of the early investors who did not lose faith in the asset are now millionaires, to say the least, and some are billionaires too… the same happened again and people did the same mistake twice, in the last few days bitcoin along with the whole crypto space crashed or cracked you may say. People sold their holdings in a panic thinking this space is doomed and is never going to recover again, the whales bought the dip, and guess what, the whole crypto space is back on the same level in less than a month and this time even stronger and trust me the whole crypto space will witness another all-time high again and another new one in some more time and the cycle will go on and on. This is how the game of investment works, the unfaithful crowd gets replaced by the more faithful ones at every dip making the investment instrument even stronger and reaching new heights every time.
There is a great saying in the world of investment, sometimes no trade is the best trade. This implies that sometimes you need to invest and forget about that investment to turn it profitable and the one who keeps up with the investments daily never gets the real value of investing.
Let us peek into the life of one of the star angel investors who is known for founding three companies and selling them at a hugely profitable value and is also invested in more than 50 startups, today we will talk about Rick Marini and his life choices. And as per the drill, we will also try to assume Rick Marini’s net worth as per the drill.
Rick Marini was born in July 1972 in Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States. Rick Marini is an entrepreneur with more than two decades of investing experience and is also known as the “Serial entrepreneur”.
Rick completed his formal education earning a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of New Hampshire Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics in the year of 1990 and then went to Harvard business school for his further studies of Masters of Business administration in Business.
Marini kickstart his career as an M&A in Corporate finance in Fisher scientific working and gained experience in the field of corporate finance and treasury for three-plus years moving on to his entrepreneurial journey of co-founding Tickle.com and also he was the Chief strategist of the company, tickle.com was one of the largest social sites on the internet space in the 90s era and also won the webby rising star awards and it was also the 18th largest website of that time. It was a social quiz website with matchmaking and photosharing as some additional features. Marini later sold it in a striking deal of 100 million dollars.
Marini also laid the foundation of Superfan and served as the CEO of the company from the year 2008 to 2010, it was a website that built social games on the Facebook platform with a huge client base.
He is also the founder of Branchout, A LinkedIn of the time with the largest professional network with more than 800 million professional profiles. It was the most used recruiting network and was acquired by 1page in 2014.
These were his three companies which he founded and sold for huge profits in striking deals.
Marini then moved on to being the Head of the Digital innovation group in Hearst looking over and building social apps for different entertainment platforms.
In 2017, Marini founded Protocol ventures, according to his LinkedIn profile “Protocol Ventures is the first fund-of-funds focused on crypto assets including liquid cryptocurrencies and venture-backed equity investments in blockchain-focused companies. Protocol invests in the top 10 crypto hedge funds to deliver diversification via a single LP investment.”
At present Marini is the chief operating officer in Grindr and I don’t think any kind of explanation is needed for the company itself.
In his forte As the famous angel investor, he has invested in many successful tech startups including Snapchat, Reddit, and Pax to name a few.
Marini was also featured in the Forbes article of “top 50 angel investors”, imagine being that good in the forte of investments.
Rick Marini Networth
We could not find any verifiable source of information for his net worth holdings but, according to his basket of investments and looking at the companies and their face value we can safely assume he is a million-dollar guy if not a billion…just look at the list of companies dude! Snapchat, Reddit, Pax, fitmob, Drop etcetera he might be a billion guy too, you never know and we can’t forget the crypto investments he works on through his company Protocol ventures, it might lead to some humungous multifold returns in the near future once the blockchain tech and the crypto space get its proper hold in this society.