Opera partners with Simplex to provide users crypto on-ramp

Opera, an online browser that prioritizes user privacy has partnered with Simplex, a payment processor and crypto on-ramp provider to provide a crypto on-ramp to the users of the browser.
The new service that is crypto on-ramp will let users pay fiat for crypto and it is a new step for users. The integration will help users to easily buy sell cryptocurrencies through the browser.
Rachel Siegman, head of marketing at Simplex has said that the users will be able to on-ramp using their debit and credit cards easily.
In 2018, the browser has launched a Web 3.0 support, a decentralized application explorer, and its native crypto wallet in Opera for Android which was the first browsers to do. Opera’s wallet currently supports ETH, BTC, and Tron. Simplex will make it easier to buy major coins such as bitcoins and Ethereum.
Last month, Simplex has launched Simplex Banking, which works to enable users to buy crypto with a range of local and global payment methods and convert it back into fiat in a bank account.
With many big companies entering the crypto world, this partnership adds to the list.