Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Net Worth & Crypto Portfolio

Many of the influencing people all around the world consider bitcoins as value assets and other altcoins as the currency of the future. What is the difference exactly? Why can’t bitcoins be called the currency of the future and vice versa?
Well, it’s all about the value which is floating around right now and the altcoins have a considerably lower value which makes them the currencies of the future and bitcoins as value assets. Like, let’s take an example of Gold and fiat money. So, Bitcoins can be called the gold of the future because when you look at the trends for the prices of gold, overall the value is increasing and it can never decrease in value in the longer term.
So, if bitcoins are considered as the Gold of the future what are the altcoins then?
Altcoins such as ethereum and other cryptos like Dogecoin etcetera are the future money to buy everyday things and the difference is evident you can’t buy everyday things with gold so, it is considered as valuable assets and you need everyday currency to buy everyday items or anything in that case.
But, according to my opinion, it all depends on the value what I mean by that is…if there comes a day when ethereum flips the market cap and price of bitcoin and it increases in value, which is quite possible then it will be considered as a value asset too.
This crypto space is so new, that even If you buy a bitcoin now you are considered an early investor and these are not my words many scholars and market experts say we are in the stone age of cryptocurrencies.
Today we will be talking about one such personality who has a similar viewpoint and who believes “Bitcoin is changing everything for the better”, Let’s talk about one of the biggest names in the world and one who envisioned a future back in 2006.
Let’s take a look at the life of Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and his billionaire net worth.
Jack Dorsey full name Jack Patrick Dorsey was born in 1976 in St.Louis, Missouri in a catholic family and had a catholic background and upbringing.
Dorsey had an active interest in the field of computers technology and software. It was the golden age of computer visionary tech companies like Apple and Microsoft which produced a keen interest in him to develop his first software at the early age of 15. Inspired by instant messaging services like yahoo messenger and AOL He developed q short messaging service software for delivery executives and cab services to communicate in short and instant.
He completed his early education at the Catholic Bishop Dubourg high school in Missouri. During his early years, he was also interested in fashion designing and did some modelling assignments too.
Soon after completing High school he was enrolled in Missouri University of Science and technology which did not last long and was transferred to New York University which eventually dropped out without completing his graduation.
As already mentioned it was the years for Microsoft and Apple.
In 2000, he started his company which was built around the idea of instant messaging and approached investors like a “short concise status website to let your friends know about your current ongoing things”
As very well mentioned by an early investor “He came to us with this idea: ‘What if you could share your status with all your friends really easily, so they know what you’re doing?”
That was the first pitch for a multi-billion-dollar company now, known as Twitter.
It was not the first name, the first suggested name was Obvious which later was changed to Twitter with the iconic bird symbol, which later became the usp of the platform “Did you tweet?”.
Not only this, the service was not initially a mass acceptance and had to see its days of service outages and hacker attacks.
Later, in 2010 before the mass acceptance which Twitter is seeing now, He founded Square, it is an “Obvious” square device that fits onto the backside of any phone and helps people swipe their debit/credit cards also approving it with a signature on the display of the phone.
Dorsey owned a total of 23 million shares of Twitter and became a billionaire once in 2013 Twitter got listed on the stock exchange almost doubling its IPO pricing on the first day itself.
So, where does the cryptocurrency connection comes in?
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Well, Square recently introduced its crypto buying feature and also invested almost 210 million US Dollars in buying bitcoins and adding to their balance sheet in two stages.
First, his company bought 50 million US dollars worth of bitcoins and in the second stage invested another 170 million US dollars stating “Bitcoin is changing everything for the better”. A huge step towards the mass acceptance of cryptocurrency.
Jack Dorsey Networth
Do I really need to put in words the actual figure of what he holds?
I mean he is the founder and CEO of Twitter bro. The tweet was not even an actual word, it was later decided to be added in the dictionary. They are revolutionary personalities like you can “Google” instead of search in the same way you can “tweet” instead of expressing your opinions on any topic. It’s a mass weapon.
Anyway, sticking to the drill…The Networth of Jack Dorsey is around 1120 crores US Dollars. Bamm!