Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson Net Worth

The crypto space is a constant debate among different believers. Some will say it is not here to stay and others will defend by providing evidence, some at a point in time will mention it as a bubble and then the same people will accept it as the current form of payment. So, as you can see the views are not consistent and we get it because this space is like the internet in the 1990s which has both its pros and cons.
If you remember or were present at that moment, you can put the two timelines side by side and you will get to notice some really amazing similarities like for example take the word “bubble”
It was widely popular among the millennials of that era and was constantly used in everyday conversations about the internet and internet stocks stating them as a “bubble” that eventually will burst. You can see the similarities between that era and now, people often state cryptocurrencies as a bubble which can lead to huge losses.
Can you see what happened next!? It was a time and now, people can’t survive without the internet, funny, isn’t it?
Most of our day-to-day life is dependent on it.
Remember the statement now “Our day to day life depends on it”
I am quite sure we will be using this statement for cryptocurrencies as well, if not now then merely after ten years or maybe even sooner.
Google and Microsoft were ridiculed in that era until today happened. Some personalities see and treat the crypto space the same.
All I am saying is, It takes time…you can take the example of the stock market, it was present from the 1700s and people in India have just started accepting it as a viable form of investment, 300 years is a lot of time but the internet is accepted in like 25 years and maybe even lesser time is needed for crypto. We should stay hopeful and think of it already as a form of investment just to stay ahead and have an edge in the game.
People who trusted and invested in Apple, Google etcetera are now enjoying the fruits…can you see your future self doing the same? Think.
Let’s talk about an early investor and Venture capitalist who is a part of the fruit-bearing crowd Mr. Fred Wilson, a man of vision. Let’s learn from some of his choices and strive to invest in your future. We will be revealing the net worth too so keep reading till the end.
Fred Wilson was born in august 1961 (not to confuse with the artist of the same name) is a venture capitalist and businessman, Wilson also runs a blog named writing about blockchain technology and everything investing.
Wilson completed his education from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology earning a degree in Mechanical engineering followed by an MBA in finance degree from The Wharton School in 1987.
Starting his career with Euclid partners as the general partner moving on to an investment fund named Flatiron partners investing in new-aged companies like and The New York in some notable names. He was one of the early investors of the internet revolution in 1996.
After shutting down Flatiron in 2004 he laid the foundation for Union square ventures along with Brad Burnham which was formed under the same investment vision investing in internet companies like when asked why he is investing in internet media companies he said “I like to zig when other people zag”
That’s one of the reasons he is considered as one of the top venture capitalist minds in the industry.
Some of the notable teachings from his mind are :-
(sourced from
Keep your vision simple at the beginning.
After investing in various internet and social media companies he says
Social networks should add value for the single user.
Another investment advice that compelled me is
Invest in bits not atoms
Invest in an idea, not a company
Diversity matters
These are some of the most notable insights from his teachings for more you can always follow him on his blog.
According to Sources Fred Wilson said that bitcoin seemed like a fantasy when he invested in 2013 and now his firm’s stake is worth a whopping $4.6 billion, or 1,840 times its initial investment.
He is one of the biggest investors of “Coinbase”, the reputed cryptocurrency exchange. He is also one of the investors of Twitter and Tumblr. Wilson also predicted the 2017 crypto crash showing his grip on the space.
You can always follow his blog to know more about his teachings as he is also a very famous blogger, He was also a judge in the Bigapps competition held in NYC.
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Fred Wilson Networth
The estimated net worth of Fred Wilson is assumed to be more than 100 million US dollars and is also a big investor in bitcoin when it was early and we don’t have any figures about how many bitcoins He is holding at present?
Which can add a huge part to his total net worth.