Hedge Fund Manager Paul Tudor Jones Net Worth

Do you think that cryptocurrency is directly related to philanthropy? As we see most of the crypto investors are a philanthropist and are active in working with charities and other non-profit organizations indirectly giving to the community.
I read somewhere that “New ways of making money can also lead to new ways of giving it” such a great thought, isn’t it?
So, why do you think most of the crypto people are into Altruism and what does it mean for charities and organizations?
Okay, let’s get to the big question “How will blockchain technology and peer-to-peer money transfer will effect charity organizations?
Well, to answer this you have to think about the problems in today’s charity scenario and the solutions this emerging blockchain technology can provide to some of the more specific problems.
Blockchain technology not only solves banking and money exchange problems, but it also has numerous use cases.
The biggest problem the charities face is “transparency” most of the transactions that happen under their name is not transparent leading to money laundering in simpler terms the money assigned for charity hardly reaches where it is required. The middle man or the middle organizations is another huge problem, how do we know that the money donated by us towards a particular cause is even helping the affected people, we can’t. This problem can be easily solved by the use of cryptocurrency in donations to a specific cause as it can be easily tracked through the underlying technology.
Another way through which crypto can help is removing the middle man or the numerous exchanges and organizations to process the money and directly send it to the affected crowd of people.
You guys will be happy to know that Crypto altruism is already here, Worlds richest crypto billionaire Vitalik Buterin has already donated billions for the COVID crisis happening in India right now.
Crypto philanthropy will change the world in a great way.
Today we are here to talk about one of the richest crypto investors in the whole world and very well presents his views on this genre by a single bold statement “ Bitcoin is a great speculation”
Let’s get a deep insight into Mr. Paul Tudor Jones life and hopefully gain some great experience also talking about his crypto holdings and his net worth.
Paul Tudor Jones is an American billionaire hedge fund manager and philanthropist. Born in September 1954 in Tennessee Paul did his bachelor’s in economics from the University of Virginia.
Jones started his career as a clerk in the New York stock exchange and later became a futures trader in the New York cotton exchange working with his cousin brother.
He was also a ghostwriter while he was in university and worked in his parents publishing company to pay the tuition fees, he was also selected for study at Harvard school of business and management but chose to not opt for that education and instead he went on to lay the foundation of his firm in 1980, known as the Tudor investment corporation. It is an asset management firm and excels in various investments and trading like equity, futures, debt, capital, currencies etcetera.
He is still now well known for his predictions of black Monday and almost tripled his money by shorting the market hugely on the downfall.
In the year of 1990, he founded the Robinhood foundation with a philanthropic approach to help the poor and poverty-stricken people.
Jones considers himself as an active trader and opportunist instead of a long-term investor and consists of the same money-making mindset.
In the year 1988, The Wall Street Journal called him the “the most-watched, most-talked-about man on Wall Street.”. Jones with a keen interest in politics has also donated money to democratic and republican candidates including Barack Obama.
Jones state that about two percent of his assets are invested in bitcoins, it is unclear and is not directly revealed about the sources and the amount but he holds some bullish and positive views about the crypto space as a whole and states “Bitcoins is like investing in internet stocks of the 1990s”
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And also stated once as “Bitcoins are one of the best inflation trades” being a hedge fund manager is very well knows how to hedge his investments.
Paul Tudor Jones Networth
Jones being a hedge fund corporations owner, we can very well presume that he knows his money and how to grow it exponentially. Let’s make a guess about his net worth?
Paul Tudor Jones net worth is more than some of the richest crypto influencers combined networth and is also ranked as the 104th richest man on earth as of 2020 by Forbes.
The total net worth of Paul Tudor Jones is around 5.4 billion US dollars. Damn! That’s a serious amount of currency and two percent of this figure is already invested in bitcoins. Imagine.