What Is The Meaning Of Weak Hands In Crypto ?

Meaning Of Weak Hands In Crypto
The cryptocurrency can actually be very difficult for the people who are new to it but are very ambitious overall. The main reason behind this conclusion might just be the immense unpredictability that the whole crypto market cannot really deny. That is exactly what the makes the crypto market what it is.
Actually, before stepping into the whole cryptosphere, there are a few terms that you should be aware of and which are used very commonly in the market by the traders. One of those terms is weak hands. Undoubtedly, there are many kinds of traders in the business with different expertise and strategies. Weak hands is a term that is used to refer to traders that are not really good at making plans and basically lack convictions in strategies or might even lack some of the resources that are required to carry out the process and execute it perfectly. There are also some traders that do not intend to take, or provide delivery of the underlying asset and that is what can also be termed as weak hands.
There are many weak hands in the market for whom the rich is getting richer. Somebody has to lose for somebody else to win and that is exactly what happens in the market. The weak hands end up buying when the prices are at highs and end up selling assets when the prices are at lows. These are the two most generic way of losing money in the market.
Why Do Some Traders Turn Into Weak Hands ?
Before understanding the transformation of a normal trader to somebody who is deserving to be called weak hands, one should understand that the latter refers to an investor who is driven by the emotion of fear very easily and quickly. There are many rumours and news all the time in the market of the cryptocurrency which should not be taken very seriously at the first go. The reason is mostly because maximum of them are not really true and only a good analyser or strategist would be able to tell you if the situation is detrimental or not.
Weak hands actually sell their assets or buy some assets very quickly without much judgement, being completely based on the news. That is definitely not a very smart thing to do. Not only that but also they tend to stick to a certain set of rules that they have created for themselves in the market which makes their next move very predictable. Having predictable plans for an unpredictable market is again not a very intelligent move. They are easily shaken out by the fluctuation of normal market prices at any point of time. This is why they are most likely to just cell when the cryptocurrency is at low and buy when the cryptocurrency is at high.
Another group of people can be called “weak hands” who see the market as speculators and not as an investor. If an investor is actually seeing through the speculators’ eyes, they are more likely to reverse any decision they took very flexibly, even after small price movements. If such petty things indeed affect the mindset of traders who have had created strategies before investing, it must be just out of fear.
How Predictable Are Weak Hands ?
The predictable behaviour that these weak hands portray are most generically buying a certain asset just because the price chart went a little up and selling a certain token just because the price chat went a little down. A judgement in the stock market as well as the Crypto market is very necessary on the consistency to the strategised plan. If this basic rule of trading is not followed, traders become predictable, thus later being referred to as weak hands.